ROOTS is a solo band project antecedent forms by Bayu Setiawan (Bayu Roots) in mid 2009 as a vocalist and guitarist, after leaving the group and Universoul & Gangstarasta. Homage to Reggae Reggae-Metal or Crossover. At the beginning of the formation of joint Winot Roots (sampler) to run the band. Then in February 2010, Bayu began working with Conrad (Sun reggae / Floreshman) as a vocalist, Endang as an additional drummer (Band Order, Baron & Soulmate), as additional bassist Ryo (Arts UNJ). The format was walking with Roots in the event the prime gig Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) at Margo City Mall Depok with The Band, Respito, Baron & Soulmate, Melani Soebono. December 2010 filling event on the day dr Transparency International Anti-Corruption Day birthday so called SPEAKFEST name. Roots appear together with Superman is Dead, Greenhouse Effect, Rice, The Upstairs.
Roots of this project was delayed while the process of recording singles who had worked at Flow Studio Ade’s, Locks band drummer. Conrad resigned as krn he wants to continue his solo album Floreshman Conrad, Endang help solo project with guitarist Rice, Ryo continues his work as a teacher of art at one studio art. Back Bayu and Winot lg both at the beginning of the project as the band began to walk. The period of darkness with no direction and dreary journey began envelop Roots who abandoned the project. And yet there is no suitable candidate to replace lead singer Conrad Floreshman who at that time.
Finally in mid-2011 Bayu trying to bring the old kawan2 lg in communities such as reggae Roots drummer Gilang Adriatna (ex-Uprising, ex-Defitrees, Sandy Sundhoro) for the additional running back ROOTS. In the process of his journey this time, there were only Bayu, Gilang and Winot practice, jamming and this time brought the matter seriously with songs Roots. Exercise together three of the Omahku Studio Slipi area Kemanggisan Respito band’s homage to Grunge. This Distudio embryo or reborn dr Roots re-formed following base camp and the sahabat2 Roots Roots who called Roots Squad formed. Old friend Dr. Bayu fellow soldier while on Gangstarasta and Universoul Kendro Satrio Soehendro willing to give back to help Bayu Bass to shreds Roots music. With practice continues to focus to the material of Roots music while waiting for the candidate filler street vocal part to change his style Ragga vocalist have not found a match, Bayu finally called Ipung Lamadua (additional Sun Reggae, Reggae vocalist Ngupi Bareng) to fill the blank in Roots vocals.
ROOTS-date with the format, starting lg prime kicked off stage in high school like SMU pensi2 Cakung Bekasi 89, SMK 13 Clothing Kemanggisan. Roots Gilang Adriatna personnel who have become fixed in Roots invite friend Ucok / Coky (ex keyboardist Defitrees) Roots as a keyboardist. Roots appeared together on the show with Ucok engineering machinery and University of Bung Karno pensi SMP 88 Slipi make aggressive and enthusiasm of the audience who was amazed to see the uniqueness of the band ROOTS reggae-metal wing who is widely demanded and questionable, when single or album out soon to market the music of Indonesia.
Roots go back to Adam Studio recording studio in the area Cijantung, East Jakarta, the recording is in progress until now. Conrad Floresman help fill the new 2 songs Roots: Faith and Movin. One song that mudah2an mainstay will soon be ready to launch into the air Indonesia. With this last format Kendro, Winot, Gilang, Ucok and Conrad are expected to join together into a band who Roots intact. Bands belong together on the basis of brotherhood and kinship.
As the name implies ROOTS. Back to the roots, back to their habitat, it’s back to being myself crux. In our more honest Roots play music without the fear of the presence of new band2 or follow the trend of new music who created and marketed by the Indonesian music industry. Without a doubt and we did dodge personnel in Roots began to be known and seen dr playing reggae music, even looking for a bite of rice we had on reggae. But when we started very early before reggae became popular trend and many in this country, we are all music-based Rock and Metal. We love reggae music krn yg positive social movement rather than merely the negative side of pleasure.
Guitarist & Growl : Bayu Roots
Lead Vocal : Dave Roots
Bassist : Andre Franz Hutagaol
Dj & Sampler :
Keyboard : Gun Cherry
Drum : Gilang Adriatna
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