Munculnya Debut Album “General Irie”, Yella Sky Sound System Luncurkan Single Kolaborasi Bersama Vokalis Asian Dub Foundation & Gitaris Shaggydog. Memperkaya khasanah musik reggae di Indonesia semakin kaya ramai dengan sentuhan reggae Dub.
Yella Sky Sound System unit Dub Reggae asal Jakarta, yang beranggotakan pseudonim Agent K diposisiDj&Produser, MC Fake French & King Nassahdivisi microphone, Bass dimainkanoleh Uncle J, Serta Gitar oleh Blueskycloud ini pada tanggal 3 Februari 2017 merilis debut album berjudul “General Irie” via digital serta meluncurkan single ketiga berjudul, “The Youth Of Today”.
Berisikan 9 lagu yang diciptakan oleh Yella Sky Sound System serta 1 track bonus kolaborasi dengan DLYTRB, Album perdana Yella Sky Sound System sendiri sudah bisa didapatkan atau didengar melalui iTunes, Spotify, Joox, dan aplikasi musik lainnya.
Tidak hanya rilis Album “General Irie” via Digital & single ketiga, Yella Sky Sound System juga membuat Video Lirik “The Youth Of Today” yang dapat diakses melalui Youtube Channel mereka. Setelahpadatahun 2016 lalu telah merilis 2 single bebas unduh terbatas berjudul “BinariaSelekta” & “Zion Inna Babylon” via dan Singapura Dub Club.
Di single ketiga kali ini, Yella Sky Sound System berkolaborasi dengan 2 nama musisi yang telah malang melintang di dunia musik “Jamaican Sounds” yaitu Aktarv8r, Vokalis& MC dari band Dub asal London, Asian Dub Foundation. Dan tidak ketinggalan musisi local dari Yogyakarta, Raydawgz, gitaris dari grup musik asal Sayidan, Shaggydog.Di lagu “The Youth Of Today”, Yella Sky Sound System menyerahkansepenuhkan tema untuk lirik serta petikan gitar kepada masing-masing kolaborator. Yang pada akhirnya, Aktarv8r sendiri yang member judul untuk lagu tersebut.
Mengangkat tema sosial masyarakat, Aktarv8r disini menumpahkan liriknya berisi tentang “AnakMuda JamanSekarang”. Dan Raydawgz melengkapi alunan musik dengan petikan gitar berefek delay yang menjadi cirri khas musik Dub Reggae. Untuk Artwork dari album “General Irie” sendiri, Yella Sky Sound System menggandeng Bimcejaing dari Gardu House. Untuk sekedar informasi, Yella Sky Sound System sendiri akan menjalani Tour Promo Album “General Irie” di beberapa negara di Asia Tenggara, yang kemungkinan akan berjalan di akhir bulan Februari 2017.
Sukses untuk Yella Sky Sound System.
Berikut lirik yang digarap sendiri oleh Aktarv8r ( Asian Dub Foundation ):
The youth of today
The youth of today
Have we set them up to fail?
Let’s be honest with our selfs
The youth of today..
For our faults they have to pay
Nobody else
To The youth of today
What are we gonna say?
When they realise
We are all part of the blame
Forced to learn that 1+ 1 = 3
By the man on top
If you say the answer is 2
There’ll be a plot to get you shot
So the fear has got you on lock
Hmmmm what can you do
What can you say
No escape no get away
Will have to face the questions one day
We’re the same we’re the same but different
If they cut you or me we will bleed
Wanna grow trees that bare fruit? Well
we need to plant the seeds
Some of them a kind outside but inside them a full of greed
Need to Take heed learn from their mistakes and lead
The youth of today
Have we set them up to fail?
Let’s be honest with our selfs
The youth of today..
For our faults they have to pay
Nobody else
Growing up.. With no worries
Got fed had bed time stories
Pushed around in a tescotrolly
Have a ice lolly Life was jolly
It was all good until I understood
The struggle in the hood
Parents did what they could
To Give their children a better life
Put in more time than a 9-5
They kept us alive
They kept us alive and tried
Protection from elements outside
Taught us to give..taught us to be kind
The youth of today
Have we set them up to fail?
Let’s be honest with our selfs
The youth of today..
For our faults they have to pay
Nobody else
To The youth of today
What are we gonna say?
When they realise
We are all part of the blame
A youth yesterday but a man today
Sooner or later the hair will go grey
No time for leisure no time for play
Thinking about the bills you gotta pay
As you lay on your bed,
So many things going through your head
Have you got enough bread
There’s more than one mouth that needs to me fed.
It’s all laid on the table.. Need to get on the case if you’re still able. Take the horse out the stable.. Don’t need sky don’t
need cable
All you need is self esteem and a drive to reach high the limit is beyond the sky.. In 10 years time
Just..don’t be wondering why..
The youth of today
Have we set them up to fail?
Let’s be honest with our selfs
The youth of today..
For our faults they have to pay
Nobody else
To The youth of today
What are we gonna say?
When they realise
We are all part of the blame
The youth of today
Are the leaders of tomorrow